Are You Ready To Feel Brave In Your Body With Prolapse So That You Can Lift Heavy, Get Sweaty And Not Worry About Something Falling Out?

A comprehensive, step-by-step strength training program that walks you through navigating your pelvic floor, so you can out-lift your kids well into your golden years.

I'm inviting you to Do Something Different

You no longer question what you’re capable of. Where you can let go of all the “prolapse safe” rules and fall in love with your body again   That is what you want right?  

The freedom to do what you want and work as hard as you want. 

The freedom to move your body and feel confident doing so.    

I know you're ready to feel powerful again...   You want to feel confident on and off the gym floor, I'm here to take you through the exact steps my clients are using right now to see results as quickly as possible.

You want to feel confident on and off the gym floor, I'm here to take you through the exact steps my clients are using right now to see results as quickly as possible.

No internal weights, 3 sets of 10 kegels 3 times a day, or complicated or confusing methods (Actually, our training is SUPER SIMPLE and that's what makes it so EFFECTIVE). Sound too good to be true?

It's how I went from c-section and 2 prolapses to CrossFit in 4 Months

And I'm guiding women from all over the world like CrossFit Games Athletes, Olympic Lifting Coaches...And Their Coaches! 


And you might think that this can’t happen for you... 


I have had clients who were told their only option was surgery come to me and they have been able to strength train without symptoms--

-- and now it's your turn.


>>Sound like exactly what you're looking for??

Welcome To Back To The Bar

For strong women with prolapse who’s desire is to weight lift again with prolapse. Who wants to challenge the status quo of the standard prolapse recommendations because they know they deserve more than that... Who believe they have what it takes but are not sure how to make it happen on their own

Hi, I’m Terrell

I’m so happy you stopped by. I know you’re ready to get back onto the gym floor and have the freedom to work out in any way you please. You're in the right place!

After working with everyone from first-time moms to CrossFit Games Athletes, I've personally helped thousands of women from around the world get back to their high-performing selves with my simple test most effective methods you can't get from just any self-paced fitness program.

About four years ago, I went from broken with 2 prolapses after an emergency c-section to POWERFUL...with no fears of anything falling out.

After 4 months of postpartum rehab, I signed up for CrossFit and fell in love.


You'll be pleasantly surprised with just how simple it is to navigate your prolapse on and off the gym floor.

How Back To The Bar Works

Instant Admissions To Our Group Coaching Sessions+ Unlimited Access for a Lifetime (or the life of this bundle)

After a decade of coaching women's health, I've put what I've discovered together to make your lifting goals a reality so that you don't have to worry you're going to break yourself.

What's Included In Back To The Bar

  • Stronger To The Floor ($249 Value): My foundational 28-day strength training program designed as your first step to getting back the weightlifting

  • Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts ($47 Value) : Discover how you can tune into your body instead of your environment to overcome your biggest diet challenges and enjoy the freedom of food.

  • Olympic Lifting For Lady Parts: Back To Weightlifting in 90-Days ($397 Value)

And That's Not All!

I want to make sure you're supported for as long as you need, so you're also getting...

  • Access to the POPMAX Facebook Community

    Lifetime access to our membership community on Facebook and 2x group coaching sessions monthly ($199 Value)

  • Exclusive 12-month access to all new self-guided coaching programs.

    Want to test out some new training methodologies like kettlebells or running...Or nutrition...Or what other program is on the menu; you will experience 1-year access to all of my self-guided programs ($119/monthly)

  • 6 Months of email follow-up.

    6 Months of email follow-up. So if you suddenly find yourself trying to figure out something new or have questions about your training in general, reach out via email and I will answer your questions personally! ($97 Value)

Even if you don't take advantage of the workouts, the bonuses alone are stacked!

And just do you know, Olympic Lifting For Lady Parts, our newest self-guided program is on for a massive steal right now! Well, it's free to you for a lifetime, but will be going up a few hundred dollars this Fall when it's complete!

But it isn't about the money for me. I want to make my programs as accessible as possible while still being able to live during a global pandemic.

One way I do this is by offering self-guided coaching programs like Olympic Lifting For Lady Parts for FREE bundled with complimentary fitness coaching programs designed to help you get back to the bar. 

In this bundle, you are getting Stronger To The Floor: My 28-Day foundational strength building program with a sweet cameo with Coach Tassa ($97 Value)

Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts: My intuitive solution to navigating your biggest challenges with ($47 Value)


All of the added bonuses of working with for the lifetime of this bundle.

This gives me the opportunity to coach you in a reasonable timeframe for a FRACTION of what it costs to work with my team 1:1...

And if you decide at any point you want to take the next step to work with my team 1:1 to speed the process along, you can reach out to me directly.

The Back To The Bar Bundle is valued at well over $700...

And is regularly $487 but...

Join by August 31st/2021 for ONLY $197!


  • Do I have to be pregnant or postpartum with prolapse to take advantage of this amazing bundle?

    No. I work with women of all ages and stages. No matter if you're a young female lifter who's never given birth, or you're in one of many life transitions. If you require special assistance, please reach out to me and we can talk about your options.

  • Won't I get the same results if I just do kegels?

    No. Kegels will not give you the same results as strength training. Kegels are ideal to build pelvic floor muscle strength, but they don't train you for weightlifting with prolapse.

  • Do I need to get clearance from my doctor or PT?

    Ideally, yes. But I also understand it isn't always possible. So in this case, please email me directly so that I can personally advise you of your options. [email protected]