Mom With Prolapse Discovers Simple At-Home Method To Eliminate The Stress Of What To Eat, Learn To Manage Symptoms & Reach Her Physique Goals… All Without Starving, Calorie Counting, Or Restricting Any Of Her Favourite Foods. Or Wine!

You’ve been obsessively googling and searching social media, spending countless hours looking for what exercises and what you should be eating with pelvic organ prolapse. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


My bet is you’ve found a list longer than the pages listed on the internet of everything not to do.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Empowering...not so much.

Suddenly, you’re trembling in fear, wondering if you should tuck the active person you were away, for a new life of uncertainty because no explained the risks of pelvic organ prolapse. 

And hearing how constipation can be a cause for symptoms is sending you into information overload.

Your world looks bleak and you no longer know where you fit in. You’re too young to throw in the towel, but the more and more you research, the more desperate your anxiety gets.

You’re not alone.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Women have been suffering with this “normal part of being a woman who’s had a baby for centuries.

And now they’re fearing all of the other health risks of how inactivity impacts your overall and long-term health.

But women from all over the world in 2020 are raving about a new way to care for their health. This is allowing women of all stages of motherhood to live their active lives to the fullest.

And it includes nutrition.  Not the restrictive kind, either.

I get it. You’ve spent hours of your life reading google articles feeling guilty because it’s taking away time from your family.

That’s in addition to the hours and dollars spent on visits with your various healthcare providers over and over with no answers. But you keep trying to find someone who can help.

You’ve reached out to others in Facebook Groups with random results after hoping to find a solution to help you “fix” your nutritional habits to maintain a healthy weight, lose weight, and navigate your prolapse symptoms on and off the gym floor.

Maybe, you’ve bought or considered buying an expensive meal and fitness program 

in hopes of mastering your pelvic health and nutrition in order to stay on top of your health.


And when you’re competitive in nature, it’s hard to believe there may be a solution you haven’t tried.

Armed with this nutritional method combined with an expert pelvic floor education only accessible by a few, women from all over the world are no longer held hostage by food.

And they’re floored. (Yep, pun intended!)

A solution you can use to plan your grocery shopping and prep your meals in batches to freeze or later store in the fridge for a week ahead.

After being diagnosed with two prolapses, a decade of experience in the fitness industry, and spending tens of thousands of hours coaching my clients on nutrition, making it my mission to bridge the gap between pelvic floor rehab and crushing it in the kitchen.

So if you’re a woman with pelvic organ prolapse, enjoy pushing yourself hard on the gym floor, and yearn to get back to your competitive spirit, keep reading. 

Meet Lady J!

First, meet Lady J, a mom who has been struggling with prolapse symptoms over the years, joined Strong Core And Floor For Lady Parts, our signature 60-day custom online coaching program 

After running through our self-paced nutrition program, Lady J felt empowered to put a life of deprivation behind her with my simple nutritional strategies.

Meet Coach Terrell!

Hey, I’m Terrell Baldock, The Prolapse Coach!


I’m all about taking care of you and meeting you where you’re at. You will learn strategies to heal and to thrive in your fitness endeavors. 


5 years ago, only 12-weeks postpartum with my daughter, I was assessed by my pelvic floor physiotherapist and as she finished up, she said in her whisper-like voice, “you have a prolapse”.


I don’t remember anything she said after that. All that was racing through my mind was how this could possibly happen to me. I was strong and fit going into this pregnancy.


And I asked myself over and over, “how can my body fail me like this?”

After overcoming the issue with my body image and the diet culture BS convincing myself to starve because that's what healthy people do. This HUGE blow.


I believed I was immune.


Clearly, I’m not.


For a while, I did follow the standard prolapse management guidelines. Which didn't include anything for helping women change their nutritional habits for the better... I knew it was time to create my own.

My clients had been asking for years and I was hesitant. But in 2021 after spending years researching with my client, helping them with their struggles. It had to be done.


I created the simplest yet most effective nutritional program for women with prolapse who want to lift heavy and get heavy.


The beauty is it works with EVERY nutritional plan on the market.


How? Because I teach you how to tune into your body by learning how to read your prolapse and any bloating gross feeling. By making small changes in your current diet, we can change your body and your symptoms.

Think about why you’re here for a sec...

You have never been given nutritional guidance because there is “no perfect diet” for prolapse. This is a massive disservice to women who need easy to follow guidance to get them onto a healthier path.


Because the things we put in our bodies are just as important as learning to navigate prolapse on and off the gym floor.


However, I don’t have to go into overdrive to tell you how fueling your body will help you improve your energy levels, performance, as well as your lady parts. 


Try it now. Try Eating a greasy meal. And take not of how you’re feeling in an hour or so.


Through coaching my clients for over a decade, the number 1 naggy problem they faced next to their prolapse…


Is what to eat.

I get it. I’ve struggled with nutrition for most of my life because of the strict nature of diet culture marketing.

In my mid-30’s I’ve finally found keeping things simple on my plate and eating a variety of whole foods by setting targets helped my clients kick their nutritional struggles faster than any restrictive diet on the market.

Even the programs that offer the quick fix.

The mistake I made the first time around was I looked for the quick fixes. But they were never all that quick. 

They were miserable.

The truth is you don’t have to be overly restrictive to see great results. All you need to do is work within your current lifestyle and work on your nutritional goals in smaller steps

And after sharing these same strategies with my clients, I began to see they looked forward to their workouts and loved what they were seeing in the mirror.

Not to mention they felt they could outperform better now with prolapse that without.

Yes, there is life beyond pelvic floor dysfunctions like pelvic organ prolapse and peeing your pants. 

There’s also more to life than only fuelling your body. Food is meant to be enjoyed too.

Women are generally told to just eat more healthy, but with all of the confusing diet culture information out there, health always equals restrictive.. 


This can end up with more frustration leading to feeling hopeless. Unfortunately, the diet trap leads most people here over and over and over.


Today, you are going to end that spiral.

I’m here to educate and empower you to make informed decisions and provide guidance regarding your nutrition that will serve you a lifetime, not just a few weeks. 

On a side note, after three years, c-section, and two prolapses, I’ve been able to hit a deadlift PR of 235#

Here's how you can make that happen, too.

As I was googling “how to eat to support prolapse and get stronger on the gym floor” and was left disappointed with the advice given to manage my symptoms.

Sure, I could sit on the sidelines and try those restrictive diets for some quick effect, but this is no way to live.

But when my clients kept asking for my nutritional guidance, it still took years for me to put this together.

Because I really didn’t want to contribute to diet culture and its extremes

So when I found what was working for my clients with no restriction involved…

They were happy with how their bodies felt, looked, and performed.

Seriously. There is nothing more powerful than loving your body on the inside and out.

Having the opportunity to change the lives of women around the world, by helping them first learn how to use their pelvic floor in conjunction with exercise and nutrition has blown many minds. 

Including my own.

But when you bring awareness to what the body needs, you can give it what it needs. This is where most of us have been lost

Until now

As I practiced these nutritional strategies with women in person and online, it was clear to me that nutrition is a teachable skill.

And The Beauty Of This Program Is, You Don't Have To Know A Single Thing About Nutrition!

I keep thing simple to follow in a logical sequence to help you learn to take note of how you're feeling when you eat. Not To mention, helping you learn how to manage your prolapse symptoms by making simple tweaks to your current diet.

  • You don’t have to be “intune” with your body to learn how to improve your overall health

  • ou don’t have to even nail these strategies “perfectly” to be pleased with the results you see… Well, feel.

  • And you don’t have to be a Registered Dietitian to learn how you can reap the benefits of eating well.

Sound too good to be true?

When I realized there was something special happening with my 1:1 clients and group coaching, I instinctively knew a self-paced online coaching program that was practical in nature in addition to my fitness programs was needed to help women feel brave in their bodies...

Not grossed out by them.

As I continued to refine my nutrition coaching strategy, there was one small problem. Not every woman needs to eat in the same way.

And not every experience is the same which means a customized approach was needed.

What’s even more interesting is nutrition often misunderstood and most often prescribed specifically for weight loss

For some women, nutrition programs that are restrictive in nature might actually do more harm than good.

Just like there is no one way to navigate prolapse, there isn’t just one way to eat.

Which is why you might need a different approach. A holistic approach.

Even though you may have seen your friend down the street have success with a strict detox, cleanse, or nutritional shake, you may find these things are too extreme.

Because what works for one woman may not work for you. 

Imagine solving your pelvic floor worries just by learning how your  works.

It’s really cool stuff!

After perfecting my Nutrition Coaching For Lady Parts, my clients were seeing big results on and off the gym floor.

What’s really exciting is seeing my clients falling in love with their bodies.

When my DM’s started blowing up on Instagram, it was abundantly clear. I needed to create an online self-paced nutrition coaching program for women with prolapse who want to get back to lifting heavy and getting sweaty and feel brave doing so.

Because when your back pocket is full of tools you can use in your everyday life, you become empowered to take control on the gym floor, too.

So when you understand the root of why you are struggling with food, it becomes easier to manage.

Unfortunately, a step missed by most who don’t share the same personal and professional experience.

Most importantly, I’ve found a self-love I didn’t know existed. Because of my prolapse(s), I’ve been able to build a beautiful life with my family and eating the foods I want without feeling guilty.

At no time, I’m saying “I can’t eat that”...

Inside Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts, you will learn the exclusive strategies to bring balance to your life, in turn helping you to eat in a way that’s supportive to your lifestyle…

Not making you feel trapped by it.

Starting today, you can begin taking charge of your body and change your life. All you need is an internet connection and a mobile device to set up your account.

There are no catches or hidden fees you will be charged after the fact. 

Instead, with Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts, you’re given a complete, step-by-step system you can start working on today.

And you’ll get…

  • The Strong Body You Deserve Through your current workout plan, you’ll be able to add these nutritional strategies easily, maximizing your work on the gym floor.

  • Results you can keep. You’ll learn the healthy habits and skills needed not only to manage your prolapse on and off the gym floor, giving you the t

  • A simple nutrition plan that improves your life rather than consuming it. A simple 28 day meal plan you create using these strategies, that build a strong foundation. Every aspect of this is created to empower you to become better educated about your body, so you’ll never feel like you’ve gone off track

  • World-class coaching With over a decade of coaching experience, I’m trusted by CrossFit Games Athletes, doctors, and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists as well as a regular speaker at the University Of Western Ontario.

Now, let me be up front for a sec…

I know this sounds easy, but think about this…

Every time you google how to fix your nutrition, you come up with strict diets being your only option.

And you’re put in a position where you have to make an extremely difficult choice of eating this or that

Then your mind races as the overwhelm grips you.

Because you’ve also known how hard it is to go into restriction mode. 

Not to mention the price tag when it’s all said and done.

In fact, depending on the diet and who you work with, you could be spending hundreds if not thousands on the “perfect diet”

With one in Three women experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction in her lifetime,  research is showing a well-rounded nutrition plan and fitness plan is an important consideration for improving maternal health. (PMID: 31038256)


“Our study found a significant reduction in pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary, and colorectal-anal distress symptoms and improvement in breastfeeding and healthy nutrition following an 8-week community-driven nutrition and exercise programme focused on pelvic floor and core stability, healthy nutrition, and breastfeeding counselling.”

And it isn’t just new moms who experience these benefits. Women of all ages and stages of life benefit from a solid fitness and nutrition plan.

But for a short time, you can get Mastering Nutrition For Lady Parts for a pretty generous discount. 

Once you’ve enrolled, you will be emailed with everything you need to get started.

First, you will be welcomed with educational videos about intuitive nutrition, how to work through cravings, and how to become the master of your nutrition in 28-days or less. . These videos are all short and sweet and not in medical jargon, so it’s supper easy to follow along.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with how intuitive nutrition, you will begin working on your nutritional 28-day program

Everything you need is in your account which you have unlimited access for the lifespan of this program. So if 3 years down the road you need a refresher, pop it open and you will access the most current version. 

The science is constantly changing and it’s important to stay current with the latest developments.

Hillary, a mom of three who experienced 2 symptomatic prolapses following the birth of baby number three. Knowing she wanted to get back into endurance sports worked with me for four months starting within weeks of the birth of her son.

Her biggest takeaway however, navigating through her shame she felt when overindulging.

Now, she’s leading the charge of a group of moms, helping them better work with their pelvic floor with her unique fitness programming.

You know you want to feel better in your body and the way to make that happen is to begin reconnecting your mind with your body again. 

It’s hard looking in the mirror and not recognizing the woman looking back at you.

It’s hard imagining life without being able to train hard like you did BEFORE pregnancy and you’re wondering if you’ll ever have that again, now that you’re a mom with prolapse.

It’s hard thinking about not being able to participate in activities with your baby and any other future children.

And that is killing you inside.

You and I both know you want more out of the rest of your life. You don’t want to throw in the towel...yet.

Strength doesn’t just come in physical feats, you know. My bet is you’re strong as hell and wanting to bet on yourself.

Which is why this isn’t over for you yet....

In fact, it is only the beginning.

To work with me privately and get the same results you’d get out of this program, you are looking at spending over $1300 at $100 hourly, but because of the online nature of this Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts, you can have the incredible (and rare) opportunity to work with me at your own pace.

For a limited time, you can grab Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts at a 51% discount. This means, instead of paying the regular price $97, you can begin Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts for only $47.

But I can’t just give Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts away for this price forever. If you sit on the fence too long, you’ll miss out because you can only get this unique program for this special launch price for a short time only.

Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts is a customizable  foundational nutritional program that opens up the possibilities of food freedom for a lifetime

My bet is you don’t want to stop at the basics. You want to progress beyond that to live your best life, free of feeling guilty about what you eat... 

Once you’ve completed Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts, you will then be a step closer to reaching your performance and physique goals to keep you progressing.

Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts will take care of the nutrition side of your overall health

My exclusive fitness coaching programs for women with prolapse will get you all the way.

The hundreds of women from around the world who I’ve been able to help manage their prolapse symptoms on and off the gym floor have been able to get back into their preferred method of training within a few months of using my program. 

Not to mention the simplicity of Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts, helping them focus on fueling their bodies to optimize their energy on the gym floor and while homeschooling thanks to COVID-19

You’re next!

Tap the button below, now to grab your very own spot ofMastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts to get back into lifting heavy, getting sweaty, and feeling brave in your body again.

Once you hit the button, you will be taken to a payment page where you can choose the package of your choice, you will be led to a payment processing page. Upon completion of payment, you will gain immediate access and be emailed additional program information (check your SPAM & PROMOTIONS just in case!)

From there, you will watch through the nutritional educational content to learn how to use the program and how to create your 28-day nutrition plan.

This is to ensure you go into your program knowing EXACTLY what to expect from your body and symptoms if they creep up.

What you may not know is pelvic health symptoms aren’t just linked to the pelvic floor. There are numerous reasons as to why symptoms take place for example: 

  • Hormonal shifts (ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, (peri)menopause, and post menopause

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep and stress management 

  • Intra-abdominal pressure

  • Genetics

  • Your pelvic floor muscles need challenge

  • constipation

What’s being missed in pelvic health management is holistic care. This means taking everything in the list above and taking it into consideration.

So I’m throwing in a few bonuses to help you maximize the work you’re putting into this.

Because chances are in addition to your pelvic floor muscle training, making a few small changes outside of your pelvic floor can bring on big results.

This is why I’m throwing in not one. Not two... But five bonuses to help you manage your symptoms using these holistic tools.

Your gut, metabolism, and self-confidence all are connected to your pelvic health. Your body is a connection of moving parts, so it only makes sense to treat your body as a whole, not just considering your pelvic floor.

But that’s not everything I’m throwing in for you…

In order to build a strong pelvic floor there are two additional components needed to optimize your results.

  1. A strong and stable core
  2. Mobility

This is why I’m also including my 14-Day full-body strength program you can do at the gym or in your living room.

If you have a few decades left in this life and the hundreds of billions of dollars in the diet industry,  it is worth investigating Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts first to see what you can achieve without surgery.

You’ll likely have a good experience with Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts. But for any reason you don’t, send me an email within the first 10 days and I’ll refund your money. 

All you need to do is commit to learning how your body works from the inside, follow the workout plan a minimum of 3 days a week for 20-30 minutes, and begin working on a few simple lifestyle changes as laid out in your program and you’ll be a happy camper.

So with nothing really to lose, because I’m giving you space to try this out for 10 days for virtually no risk. 

Everyone Loves A Bonus!

Here are the over $330 in free bonus upgrades.

  • Training For Lady Parts: Your 5 step framework to navigating your pelvic health on and off the gym floor

    Your easy-to-follow 5-step framework pelvic floor muscle training showing you when to start looking into your pelvic floor and when to think outside of the box. Because your pelvic health is more than your vagina. ($27 value)

  • Workouts For Lady Parts: Your 14-day trail workout plan

    Get inside insight into the world-class coaching program with a 14-day workout plan! ($47 value)

  • Holistic Health For Lady Parts

    There is so much more that goes into your pelvic health than your lady parts. And we love sharing insider mindset tools to help you build confidence and love your body again, ways to get your metabolism working for you, and a solid plan to help you optimize your gut health. Because you are a whole person who deserves to be cared for. ($47 value)

That's not all because we want to give you FREE group coaching to guarantee your success!

Guarantee your success with 30-day all access pass to The Barbell Balance Members Only Facebook Group & Group Coaching Sessions

  • Members Only Community

    If you're ever feeling lonely, need some encouragement, and ask questions, you have an all-access pass to our members-only Facebook group for the next 30-days (monthly options available at the end of your 30-day trial...$36 value)

  • 2 Group Coaching Sessions & Q & A Sessions

    It takes a village, to support mothers and it takes the same when learning how to navigate your prolapse symptoms on and off the gym floor. So we are throwing in 2, 2 Group Coaching Sessions & Q & A Sessions! You are going to learn how to bust through plateaus and get re-acquainted with your plan if there comes a time you fall off track. ($180 value)

Tap the button below and snag one of eight spots in Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts now.

The way I’ve seen it, you’re at a fork in the road. You can decide to remain stuck or make a decision to manage symptoms on and off the gym floor.

To the left, you can choose not to invest in Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts

If you walk down this path, you’ll continue to go it alone, try to piece together tips, tricks, and hacks...but more than likely struggle. 

Managing a prolapse and rebuilding your body will still be a massive challenge. But putting in the work now will pay you back for years in return. 

If you want to stay on the path you’re on now, that’s your choice.

But the right path, the one where I’ll simplify and guide every aspect of your health and wellness will relieve the stress of wondering…

 “What do I do” and give you the simple, straightforward, and stunningly effective methods you need to eat and feel well on and off the gym floor, so you can have more energy, more confidence, and perform at your best.

Which path will it be?

You really must hurry to grab Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts before the rate goes up to take advantage of this special pricing. It isn’t going to last.

So don’t put this off any longer. Your body (and mind) depend on it.

I know, that’s a lot, so thanks for sticking with me. I look forward to seeing you inside the gates.


My bet is you still have a fre questions. That’s totally cool and I’m happy to help. Below, you will find the most commonly asked questions about Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts

  • Do I have to get clearance from my doctor?

    I highly recommend you consult with your doctor or other health care professional when you begin any new fitness program and/or have your 6-week clearance (if you’ve recently given birth)

  • I don’t have prolapse but I do pee (or experience pelvic floor pain) during my workouts. Can I use Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts

    Absolutely! Be sure to include any of your concerns in your questionnaire and if there are any follow-up questions, I’ll reach out via email to discuss your needs.

  • Are there meal plans included?

    No. Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts is created to work within your current lifestyle because you’re in the driver's seat. I give you everything you need to begin creating a solid plan for you and your family. As for workouts? We're giving you a bonus 14-day trial workout plan to get you started!

  • What if I try Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts and I don’t like it?

    I’m sure you will love Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts But if you find it isn’t the right fit for you, send me an email within 10 days of purchase and I will send you a full refund!

  • When will I start seeing a difference in my prolapse symptoms?

    Yes! Many women notice a difference in the first few weeks.