Grab Stronger To The Floor And Core For Lady Parts for $47 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: Why Doing Kegels Isn’t the Magic Pill For Your Vagina And What Strong Women Need To Have A Strong Vagina

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists Discover A Rehab Method To Manage Pelvic Floor Problems Like Pelvic Organ Prolapse That Can Help Women Avoid Invasive Repair Surgeries That Don’t Always Work.

You’ve been obsessively googling and searching social media, spending countless hours looking for what exercises you should be doing with pelvic organ prolapse. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
My bet is you’ve found a list longer than the pages listed on the internet of everything not to do.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Empowering...not so much.

Suddenly, you’re trembling in fear, wondering if you should tuck the active person you were away, for a new life of uncertainty because no explained the risks of pelvic organ prolapse. 

Your world looks bleak and you no longer know where you fit in. You’re too young to throw in the towel, but the more and more you research, the more desperate your anxiety gets.

You’re not alone.⠀

You Don't Have To Suffer In Silence Because You're A Woman. Starting Today, you will have the opportunity to snag a spot and open the doors to transforming your body (and life)

Women have been suffering from this “normal part of being a woman who’s had a baby for centuries.

But women from all over the world in 2020 are raving about a new way to care for their vaginal health. This is allowing women of all stages of motherhood to live their active lives to the fullest. And it includes lifting heavy, not the 15 pounds we first believed was the only way to strength train with a postpartum prolapse. I get it. You’ve spent hours of your life reading google articles feeling guilty because it’s taking away time from your family. That’s in addition to the hours and dollars spent on visits with your various healthcare providers over and over with no answers. But you keep trying to find someone who can help.

You Are Capable Of So Much More...

And it includes lifting heavy, not the 15 pounds we first believed was the only way to strength train with a postpartum prolapse. I get it. You’ve spent hours of your life reading google articles feeling guilty because it’s taking away precious time from your family.

  • That’s in addition to the hours and dollars spent on visits with your various healthcare providers over and over with no answers. But you keep trying to find someone who can help.

  • You’ve reached out to others in Facebook Groups with random results after hoping to find a solution to help you “fix” your prolapse and the symptoms that come along with it.

  • Maybe, you’ve bought or considered buying one of those fancy internal devices, vaginal eggs, or figured a vagi steam with lovely sounding botanicals in hopes of reducing that bulgie feeling in your lady parts at the end of a long day.

And when you’re competitive in nature, it’s hard to believe there may be a solution you haven’t tried.

Armed with this rehab method combined with a strength training program, women from all over the world are returning to their preferred method of fitness sooner than even they could have imagined.

And they’re floored. (Yep, pun intended!). Finally, a solution you can use in the comfort of your home or in the gym AND have time for a shower after. After being diagnosed with two prolapses, a decade of experience in the fitness industry, and spending tens of thousands of dollars on my pelvic health education, making it my mission to bridge the gap between pelvic floor rehab and crushing it on the gym floor.

So if you’re a woman with pelvic organ prolapse, enjoy pushing yourself hard on the gym floor, and yearn to get back to your competitive spirit, keep reading.

First, meet Elissa, a competitive equestrian who after giving birth, noticed something felt off inside her vagina. After following me on Instagram during pregnancy, Elissa knew taking action quickly and early, she reached out wanting to work with me.

Within a few weeks, Elissa noticed a remarkable difference in her symptoms. In less than four months, Elissa incorporated powerlifting into her workouts and is happily symptoms free with these big lifts.


My mindset around prolapse has been the biggest for sure. I felt broken and that I would have this lifelong curse with me forever.

"Terrell has shown me that our bodies aren’t broken because of prolapse and that you can learn to work with what you’ve got. I’m back lifting (albeit not as heavy...yet) and I’m hopeful I will return to full strength sooner than later. She also helped with my emotional feelings towards my body."

Hey, I’m Terrell Baldock, The Prolapse Coach!

5 years ago, only 12-weeks postpartum with my daughter, I was assessed by my pelvic floor physiotherapist and as she finished up, she says in her wiper like voice, “you have a prolapse”. I don’t remember anything she said after that

I don’t remember anything she said after that. All that was racing through my mind was how this could possibly happen to me. I was strong and fit going into this pregnancy.

And I asked myself over and over, “how can my body fail me like this?”

I believed I was immune. Clearly, I’m not.

For a while, I did follow the standard prolapse management guidelines . But chair yoga wasn’t going to cut it forever. I wanted more out of my body. I wanted more out of my training. But the rush of hitting PRs and feeling challenged by heart-racing workouts was now out of reach.

I wanted more out of my body. I wanted more out of my training.

There weren’t any coaches locally who could help me to figure out the best possible ways to manage my prolapse during my workouts.. So I became that person.

The truth, most coaches don’t know how to incorporate the pelvic floor muscles into their programming. In fact, most coaches don’t even KNOW what a pelvic floor is because it isn’t covered in any of the mainstream certifications.

But the rush of hitting PRs and feeling challenged by heart racing workouts was now out of reach. After wallowing for a while, I made the decision not to give up on myself. Life is meant to be lived. I was going to overcome this. Proudly, I did.

Think about why you’re here for a sec...

  • You have never been shown how your vagina muscles work. This is a massive disservice to women and girls. Those muscles have been put there for a reason and it goes beyond what we typically use our vaginas for.

  • However, these muscles, when trained properly can help you outperform your expectations. Early on, this strategy is used to help your brain connect with your lady parts, coordinating the strategies I show you inside with exercise and movement, and gradually progressing you to work harder and harder for years to come.

Try it now. Try opening your vagina as you inhale. As you exhale, gentilly add in a squeeze, gently pulling your vaginal opening up and in, as if it was an elevator rising to the top of a skyscraper.

Through rehab, courses like Pregnancy And Postpartum Athleticism and POP Up Pro, and working closely with pelvic floor physiotherapists, I became comfortable to begin training and coaching at an elite level.

After putting my training plans on hold temporarily, thanks to a surprise third pregnancy, unplanned c-section and a round of rehab that took 4-months, I signed up for CrossFit. No leaks, no sagging, no symptoms.

And at 10 months postpartum, I hit a Deadlift PR for 215 pounds at a 1RM

Following the traumatic nature of the birth of my third child, I promised myself my prolapse was no longer going to be what holds me back from lifting heavy and getting sweaty. My return to lifting heavy and seeing how strong my body was, even when I was feeling my weakest, play a part in my PTSD recovery.

The mistake I made the first time around was I stayed in rehab-land for way too long because that’s what I believed my active future was to look like. As we all know, exercise has incredible benefits including an increase in self-confidence.

But that only applies if you actually like the workouts you’re doing. So if you have prolapse, are you just supposed to live without being in love with your body or feeling brave to challenge it?

The truth is if you have a mild to moderate prolapse and you’ve been seen by a pelvic floor physiotherapist, you have lots of hope moving forward.

And after sharing these same pelvic floor muscle training strategies with women from all over the world and a little trial and error, I’ve found a proven system backed by science to help women who are HORRIFIED learning this has happened to them.

Yes, there is life beyond pelvic floor dysfunctions like pelvic organ prolapse and peeing your pants.

Women are generally told to limit activity with pelvic floor dysfunctions by their care providers, leaving them feeling hopeless and afraid to move. This can be life-altering, affecting your mental health, physical health as well as your relationships with others.
I’m here to educate and empower you to make informed decisions and provide guidance regarding your training that will serve you a lifetime, not just a few weeks.

On a side note, after three years, c-section, and two prolapses, I’ve been able to hit a deadlift PR of 235#

Here's how you can make that happen, too.

As I was googling “how to work out at high intensity” and was left disappointed with the advice given to manage my symptoms.

Sure, I could sit on the sidelines and accept my life of being active and had to take a back seat in order to save my vagina.

But one day by chance, a post went viral on the internet. That post changed the direction of how I train myself and coach clients with pelvic organ prolapse.

You’ll know the image because it’s become iconic in pregnancy and postpartum athleticism.

This post was shared over and over and the woman in the picture had no idea how she’d change my life…

Until a few years and a Pregnancy And Postpartum Athleticism Coach Certification later, Brianna Battles STILL doesn’t know how she’s changed my life for the better.

Until a few years and a Pregnancy And Postpartum Athleticism Coach Certification later, Brianna Battles STILL doesn’t know how she’s changed my life for the better. Personally and professionally.
Most importantly, Brianna Battles made me feel safe in questioning the current information surrounding women’s fitness and pelvic health.
She also made me feel safe in experimenting with weightlifting and learning how to incorporate my pelvic floor in order to keep my prolapse happy. A coaching course for pregnant and postpartum coaches to help their clients ease back into their preferred method of training safely.

Seriously. There is nothing more powerful than replacing a yoga mat with a barbell.

Although a pregnancy and postpartum coaching certification, I was able to take what I had learned from Brianna Battles and applied it to my postpartum prolapse fitness programming with my clients who also experience prolapse symptoms.

Having the opportunity to change the lives of women around the world, by helping them first learn how to use their pelvic floor in conjunction with exercise has blown many minds. Including my own.

Introducing Stronger To The Floor!

A 28-day holistic system to identify what pelvic floor training strategies work best with your training and fitness goals, helping you navigate symptoms on and off the gym floor!

When you bring awareness to a part of the body women have never learned about, the possibilities are endless and you won’t be saying “I wish I had known about this while I was pregnant” will be nothing more than an afterthought.

As I practiced these pelvic floor training strategies with women in person and online, it was clear to me that managing symptoms is a teachable skill.

  • You don’t have to be “in tune” with your body to learn how to improve your pelvic health. Inside these doors, you I will teach you EVERTYTHING your need to feel connected to your pelvic floor.

  • You don’t have to even nail these strategies “perfectly” to be pleased with the results you see… Well, feel.

  • And you don’t have to be an athlete to reach your fitness goals with prolapse. You will see big results, even if you've never worked out a day in your life!

Sound too good to be true?

When I realized there was something special happening with my 1:1 clients and group coaching, I instinctively knew an online postpartum recovery

program for women with pelvic organ prolapse who want to lift heavy and get sweaty was needed to help women feel brave in their bodies... Not grossed out by them.

As I continued to refine my pelvic floor training strategy, there was one small problem. Not every woman needs to train their pelvic floor in the same way.

And not every postpartum experience is the same which means a customized approach was needed.

What’s even more interesting is that Kegels are often misunderstood and most often prescribed and performed to “cure” pelvic floor problems, incorrectly.

For some women, kegels might actually do more harm than good.

This is because there are multiple reasons why women experience prolapse symptoms that have little to do with the pelvic floor.

So there isn’t just one way to manage your prolapse, there are many…

Which is why you might need a different approach. A holistic approach.
Even though you may have the same symptoms as someone else, the approach to managing that bulging feeling deep inside. Because what works for one woman may not work for you.

Just ask Tori, a first time mom who competitively lifted before pregnancy and was floored by her prolapse diagnosis after giving birth with a little help from forceps.

Tori came to be from a referral from Brianna Battles, is now incorporating the barbell back into her training after finding the best approach for her body.

Or Kylie Who Has Three Prolapses And A Herniated Disk

Kylie, a Women's Health Fitness Coach In Austrailia, steered clear of anything high-intensity because she worried she'd need surgery to put her organs back where they belong.

But after working with me for five months, Kylie proudly deadlifted 153 pounds for five reps. She hadn't deadlifted anything in years!

Imagine solving your pelvic floor worries just by learning how your vagina works.

It’s really cool stuff!

What’s really exciting is being published by influencers in the fitness industry like Dean Somerset and Tony Gentilcore. But what's more mindblowing is my article in The Personal Trainers Development Centre publishing my first professional article “How To Help A New Mom Get Back To Lifting Heavy”

What’s really exciting is being published by influencers in the fitness industry like Dean Somerset and Tony Gentilcore. But what's more mindblowing is my article in The Personal Trainers Development Centre publishing my first professional article “How To Help A New Mom Get Back To Lifting Heavy”
When my DM’s started blowing up on Instagram, it was abundantly clear. I needed to create an online individualized program for women with prolapse who want to get back to lifting heavy and getting sweaty, but don't need an extended training program. Like a kickstart in getting moving more comfortably if you will.

Because when your back pocket is full of tools you can use in your everyday life, you become empowered to take control of your prolapse on the gym floor, too.

So when you understand the root of why you are experiencing symptoms, it becomes easier to manage.

Unfortunately, a step missed by most who don’t share the same personal and professional experience. Most importantly, I’ve found a self love I didn’t know existed. Because of my prolapse(s), I’ve been able to build a beautiful life with my family, jumping on trampolines, playing tag with the kids, and laughing hysterically at their fart jokes.

Inside Stronger To The Floor, you will learn the exclusive Tough As Lady Pelvic Floor Training Method to bring balance to your pelvic floor, in turn helping you to better manage symptoms.

Starting today, you can begin taking charge of your body and change your life. All you need is an internet connection and mobile device to set up your account.

There are no catches of hidden fees you will be charged after the fact.

Instead, with Master Your Floor And Core For Lady Parts you’re given a complete, step by step system you can do in the comforts of your home or in a gym (if there’s one open in your area...thanks COVID!)

And you’ll get…

  • A Stronger Body You Deserve! Through your full body workouts for the next 28-days weeks, you’ll manage your prolapse symptoms, build strength and master endurance, and have a balanced plan to get you back lifting heavy and getting sweaty

  • Results you can keep and continued progress. You’ll learn the healthy habits and skills needed not only to manage your prolapse on and off the gym floor, giving you the tools you need to start seeing changes in your symptoms.

  • A simple fitness routine that improves your life rather than consuming it. A simple fitness routine that builds a strong foundation. Every aspect of your plan is created to empower you to become better educated about your body so when symptoms do creep up, you’ll know EXACTLY how to make adjustments and keep moving forward without panicking . No more fitness programs that you have to settle for because of your prolapse symptoms. If lifting and breaking a sweat is what you love, I have you, my friend.

  • World-class coaching With over a decade of coaching experience, I’m trusted by CrossFit Games Athletes, doctors, and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists as well as a regular speaker at the University Of Western Ontario.

Now, let me be up front for a sec…

I know this sounds easy, but think about this…

Everytime you google how to fix your prolapse, you come up with surgery being your only option. And you’re put in a position where you have to make an extremely difficult choice of whether or not you’d like to have more children.

Your mind races as the overwhelm grips you.

Because you’ve also found the well documented horror stories about the complications of the prolapse repair surgery and you’ve felt all hope is gone. What you may not know is more and more OBs and surgeons who work with postpartum women with prolapse, are recommending trying out pelvic floor muscle training before doing anything invasive and permanent. Not to mention the price tag when it’s all said and done.

In fact, depending on your needs, you can expect to pay upwards of $50k after it’s all said and done, according to the Journal Of The Society & Robotic Surgeons. With one in seven women have surgery for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) or urinary incontinence (UI) in their lifetime.

“As the population ages, the number of women suffering from PFDs is expected to increase, resulting in a large social, medical and economic burden. It is surprising how little we understand about the modifiable factors that contribute to these disorders, in particular POP, despite the huge burden on women and the healthcare budget associated with these disorders” -BMJ Open

But for $27, you can begin pelvic health management, improving your chances of making a complete recovery and possibly avoiding surgery.

Once you’ve enrolled, you will be emailed with everything you need to get started.

First, you will be welcomed with educational videos about how your pelvic floor works and the incredible deep core system it’s connected to. These videos are all short and sweet and not in medical jargon, so it’s super easy to follow along.
Once you’ve familiarized yourself with how the pelvic floor and the deep core work together and how to coordinate your pelvic floor with exercise and everyday movement, you will begin your first phase workout which includes all of your custom workouts that are uploaded to your very own custom training app.

Everything you need is in your account which you have lifetime access to. So if 3 years down the road you need a refresher, pop it open and you will access the most current version.

Hillary, a mom of three who experienced 2 symptomatic prolapses following the birth of baby number three. Knowing she wanted to get back into endurance sports worked with me for four months starting within weeks of the birth of her son.

Now, she’s leading the charge of a group of moms, helping them better work with their pelvic floor with her unique fitness programming.

You know you want to feel better in your body and the way to make that happen is to begin reconnecting your mind with your body again.

It’s hard looking in the mirror and not recognizing the woman looking back at you.

It’s hard imagining life without being able to train hard like you did BEFORE pregnancy and you’re wondering if you’ll ever have that again, now that you’re a mom with prolapse. It’s hard thinking about not being able to participate in activities with your baby and any other future children. And that is killing you inside.

You and I both know you want more out of the rest of your life. You don’t want to throw in the towel...yet.

Strength doesn’t just come in physical feats, you know. My bet is you’re strong as hell and want to bet on yourself. Which is why this isn’t over for you yet... In fact, it is only the beginning.
To work with me privately and get the same results you’d get out of this program, you are looking at spending over $1200 at $100 hourly, but because of the online nature of this Strong Core And Floor For Lady Parts, you can have the incredible (and rare) opportunity to work with me at your own pace.

For a limited time, you can grab Stronger To The Floor for $27. This means, instead of paying the regular price $197, you can begin Strong Core And Floor For Lady Parts for.

But I can’t just give Master Your Floor And Core For Lady Parts For Lady Parts away for this price forever. If you sit on the fence too long, you’ll miss out because you can only get this unique program for a limited time.

Stronger To The Floor is a full-body foundational program with a focus on your pelvic floor, that opens up the possibilities for returning to lifting heavy and getting sweaty for women from young adults to post-menopause. My bet is you don’t want to stop at the basics.

You want to progress beyond that to progress back into high-impact strength and conditioning. Once you’ve completed Stronger To The Floor you will then be a step closer to reintroducing higher impact work to keep you progressing.

Stronger To The Floor is my exclusive 28-day strength training program for women with prolapse, who want to challenge their bodies beyond the status quo of pelvic health and fitness

The hundreds of women from around the world who I’ve been able to help manage their prolapse symptoms on and off the gym floor have been able to get back into their preferred method of training within a few months of using my program. You’re next!

Tap the button below, now to grab your very own spot of Stronger To The Floor to get back into lifting heavy, getting sweaty, and feeling brave in your body again!
Once you hit the button, you will be taken to a payment page where you can Once you hit the button, you will be taken to a payment page where you can choose the package of your choice, you will be led to a payment processing page. Upon completion of payment, you will gain immediate access and be emailed additional program information (check your SPAM just in case!)

From there, you will watch through the fitness and pelvic health educational content to learn how to use the program, how to troubleshoot symptoms, as well as your 60-Day workout plan with your individualized workouts you can do as often as it works for your schedule.

This is to ensure you go into your workouts knowing EXACTLY what to expect from your body and symptoms if they creep up.

What you may not know is pelvic health symptoms aren’t just linked to the pelvic floor. There are numerous reasons as to why symptoms take place for example:

  • Hormonal shifts (ovulation, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, (peri)menopause, and post menopause

  • Sleep and stress management

  • Nutrition

  • Intra-abdominal pressure

  • Genetics

  • Your pelvic floor muscles need challenge

  • Constipation

Your Pelvic Health means taking everything in the list above and taking it into consideration.

So I’m throwing in a few bonuses to help you maximize the work you’re putting into this.

  • HIIT Workouts For Lady Parts

    In these TWO bonus HIIT workouts, you will turn your body into a fat-burning machine while showing you my top strategies for navigating your symptoms when your heart is racing in overdrive! ($27 Value)

  • Body Confidence For Lady Parts

    When dealing with pelvic health issues on and off the gym floor, it's only natural to lose confidence in how your body performs and looks. In this bonus guide, you will uncover secrets to fall in love with your body again. ($47 Value)

  • Mastering Intuitive Nutrition For Lady Parts: Your dimply delicious to reaching your performance and physique goals.

    The workouts and pelvic floor muscle training are one thing, but nutrition plays a role too. Learn how you can use nutrition to not only reach your goals but using it to manage your prolapse too! ($97 value)

Wait...There's More!

  • Exclusive Access To My Private FB Community & LIVE Group Coaching Sessions

    When it comes to something as important as your pelvic health, it's nice to know you're not alone. So I'm throwing in bonus access to my private Facebook community and bi-weekly group coaching sessions. These live group coaching sessions will be geared towards navigating holiday nutrition and managing stress so that you can see and feel your results without feeling hopeless and lost. ($117 monthly value)

If a $50k surgical price tag is on the table, it is worth investigating Stronger to the Floor first to see what you can achieve without surgery.

You’ll likely have a good experience with Master Your Floor And Core For Lady Parts. But for any reason you don’t, send me an email within the first 30 days and I’ll refund your money.

All you need to do is commit to learning how your body works from the inside, follow the workout plan a minimum of 3-4 days a week for 20-45 minutes, and begin working on a few simple lifestyle changes as laid out in your program and you’ll be a happy camper.
So with nothing really to lose, because I’m giving you space to try this out for 30 days for virtually no risk. Tap the button below and snag one of eight spots in Stronger to the Floor Parts now.

The way I’ve seen it, you’re at a fork in the road. You can decide to remain stuck, or make a decision to manage symptoms on and off the gym floor.

To the left, you can choose not to invest in Stronger To The Floor.

If you walk down this path, you’ll continue to go it alone, try to piece together tips, tricks, and hacks...but more than likely struggle. Managing a prolapse and rebuilding your body will still be a massive challenge. But putting in the work now will pay you back for years in return.

If you want to stay on the path you’re on now, that’s your choice.

But the right path, the one where I’ll simplify and guide every aspect of your health and wellness will relieve the stress of wondering…

“What do I do” and give you the simple, straightforward, and stunningly effective methods you need to manage your prolapse on and off the gym floor, so you can have more energy, more confidence, and perform at your best.

Which path will it be?

You really must hurry to grab Stronger To The Floor And Core For Lady Parts for a limited time to take advantage of this special pricing and the hundreds of dollars in bonuses. So don’t put this off any longer. Your body (and mind) depend on it. I know, that’s a lot, so thanks for sticking with me. I look forward to seeing you inside the gates.

My bet is you still have a few questions. That’s totally cool and I’m happy to help. Below, you will find the most commonly asked questions about Stronger To The Floor.

Please read through these frequently asked questions. If your question isn't listed, please feel free to email [email protected]

  • Do I have to get clearance from my doctor?

    I highly recommend you consult with your doctor or another healthcare professional when you begin any new fitness program and/or have your 6-week clearance (if you’ve recently given birth)

  • I don’t have prolapse but I do pee (or experience pelvic floor pain) during my workouts. Can I use Strength And Postpartum Lady Parts

    Absolutely! The workouts are designed to teach you how to use your pelvic floor during all forms of exercise so that you can progress off the mat and into the heavy sweaty stuff

  • Do I have to be assessed by a pelvic PT?

    I understand getting internally assessed by a pelvic floor physiotherapist isn’t always an option. Although not required, it’s a good idea to consult with a pelvic PT if you can.

  • What if I try this program and I don’t like it?

    I’m sure you will love working through this program. But if you find it isn’t the right fit for you, send me an email within 30 days of purchase and I will send you a full refund!

  • Won’t I get the same results if I work with a pelvic PT?

    No. Generally speaking, your pelvic floor physiotherapist is mostly addressing your pelvic floor function and may prescribe low-impact exercises to help improve your coordination with movement. Stronger to The Floor And Core For Lady Parts is designed to complement your pelvic floor treatment but in a way that will progress you faster using a full-body strength training program, mobility to improve movement within your hips, so that your entire body is able to pitch in and take the work off your pelvic floor.

  • Can I Use Stronger to the Floor And Core For Lady Parts If I Had A C-Section Or Any Other Medically Assisted Birth Like Forceps?

    Absolutely! Your program is 100% custom to your needs and the nature of your birth whether it was 6-weeks ago or 60 years ago, will be considered when I design your program.

  • How Do I access My workouts?

    Immediately! All of your workouts happily home inside the Stronger To The Floor And Core For Lady Parts within the Workouts module.

  • What equipment do I need?

    All workouts can be done at home or at a gym using a pair of moderate to challenging dumbbells or kettlebells, a step or stool, any kind of resistance band, and a yoga mat!

  • I've never worked out before, is Stronger To The Floor And Core right for me?

    Because of the nature of this program, it's best you have a basic understanding of general fitness and exercise. If you would like to work with me and you have no or little previous experience, you may be better with a 1:1 coaching program like POP MAX for additional personalized attention. If you want to learn more about POP MAX, please feel free to email me at [email protected].