There is a life of intensity with pelvic organ prolapse

There is a life of intensity with pelvic organ prolapse I hear the same story from women all over the globe. “There isn’t much available to women who have done the pelvic floor rehab. It’s rather all or nothing and I want both”

Laura, a registered orthopedic physiotherapist with a passion for competitive running before pregnancy, wanted to get back into high-intensity training after her second child was born. She had worked with a pelvic floor physiotherapist, completed rehab and wanted more. There was one slight problem. She couldn’t find a program that addressed her postpartum and pelvic health needs. She could only find gentle and restorative type fitness classes. What Laura really wanted, was a coach who was trained in both postpartum and pelvic health who could take her to the next level. Laura had followed apps she found online which were good for a while but wanted to address her unique fitness goals and needs. Not a program made for the masses. Through chance, she found me while scrolling on Facebook

Meet Your Coach!

Terrell Baldock: The Prolapse Coach

I’m all about taking care of you and meeting you where you’re at. You will learn strategies to heal and to thrive in your athleticism. 3 years ago, only 12-weeks postpartum with my second baby, I was diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse of my bladder and urethra. I had some incontinence during my workouts before pregnancy, but never imagined it was related to my pelvic floor. I had no one to turn to for help. So I became that person. Through rehab, courses and working closely with pelvic floor physiotherapists, I became comfortable to begin training at a higher capacity. I had to put my training plans on hold, temporarily. After a surprise pregnancy, unplanned c-section and a round of rehab that took 4-months, I signed up for CrossFit. No leaks, no sagging, no symptoms. Yes, there is life beyond pelvic floor dysfunctions like incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. I get it. Being a mom of 3 three makes life tricky. But you can reach your goals in less time than you think.

If you’re the kind of woman who loves high impact fitness and athletic training, but feel lost as to where to go next after postpartum rehab, in this program, I will show you:

  • How to build confidence in your body You’re not broken, so don’t treat yourself that way.

  • How to re-integrate olympic and power lifts and explosive jumping. (Yes, you will training double unders, burpees and box jumps), back into your regime while bringing awareness to your pelvic floor.

  • How to manage and address symptoms if they do creep up in your workouts With an understanding of your pelvic function through different stages, you will be able to make informed decisions on how to continue your training.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be stuck in the rehab bubble for the rest of your life. You can go above and beyond where you were physically before pregnancy.

  • You don’t have to feel stuck in a program you don’t find enjoyable. If you want to get back into crossfit, bootcamps, or jazzersize, we will make it happen.

  • You don’t have to be stuck lifting less than 15 pounds (um ok. I have a 30 pound toddler and a 20 pound baby. How is that going to work?)

  • You don’t have to stick to “pelvic floor safe” fitness programs (Oh, cause that’s fun. Squat with 10 pound dumbbells, anyone?)

I bridge the gap between pelvic floor rehab and fitness so you can have both. You don’t have to give up on your lifting, running, or any other sport that presents symptoms. And you certainly CAN lift heavier than 10 pounds, run, and be the athlete you want to be.

Want To Get Stronger Now Then You Were Before? This is how we do it:

  • Make Strength Training a Priority The focus here is on building strength strategically while incorporating your pelvic floor. The only way to build a pelvic floor that can handle high-impact training is to build a pelvic floor to handle high-impact.

  • You’re Going To Train Compound Lifts You are going to learn to lift in a whole new way. Smarter. Combining breathing, alignment strategies, and lifting to take the pressure off your pelvic floor allowing it to move optimally. In traditional strength training, you are often coached to hold your breath during maximal lifts, which doesn’t allow movement, which can exacerbate your symptoms.

  • You Are Going To Train Your Entire Body You’re busy, I get it. So your workouts are going to be 30-40 minutes 3x + weekly, and they can be done at home or in the gym.

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Strength And Lady Parts

Strength And Lady Parts Strength And Lady Parts is a 90-Day Self Paced online strength and conditioning training program for women who want to lift heavy, get sweaty, and don’t want to let their pelvic floor dysfunctions hold them back.